(972) 449-0038

Showing 13–15 of 17 results

“Forever Fearless” Pendant

Embark on a tender narrative of enduring courage with our Forever Fearless Pendant. Intricately crafted, the silhouette of two hands tenderly forming a heart narrates a tale of love held fearlessly, a sweet serenade to the brave hearts in melodious love stories.


“Love You To

Adorn the night sky's gentle luminary with our "Love You To The..." Moon Pendant. The tender curves and silvery gleam of this pendant embody a promise of endless affection, reminiscent of the moon's enduring glow.


“Love You To…”

Venture on a cosmic odyssey of affection with our "Love You To..." Saturn Pendant. The iconic rings and golden hue of this Saturn pendant symbolize a love that's boundless, ever-encompassing and as infinite as the cosmos.
